
Thursday, April 30, 2020

A Sweet Treat

                              A sweet treat 
Here is a slide show about the sweet treat I made:

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Bear At My Window

  The Bear At My Window 
In my window I have 2 live teddy bears,
a one year old Springer Spaniel and a
5 year old Gordon Setter. They like to lie
on the bed and watch people go past the

My Bubble Photography Challenge

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

3 Course Dinner Menu

3 Course Dinner Menu

You will need: a serving tray, tongs and a knife with a chopping board. 
The ingredients you will need are: cold meats, different cheeses,
olives, gherkins, sun dried tomatoes, crackers and nuts if you aren't allergic.

Step one:chop any ingredients that need chopped.
Step two:arrange the ingredients on a plate.
Step three: eat!   
Tomato Pasta
You will need:two saucepans, two spoons, a knife with a chopping board and a bowl.
The ingredients you will need are: dried pasta, canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, cheese and chicken. 

Step one: cook the chicken, onion and garlic in a little bit of oil in a saucepan and then add the tomatoes.
Step two: in the other saucepan cook the pasta. Once everything is cooked, mix the sauce and pasta together.
Step three:put the pasta in a bowl and sprinkle over some cheese then it is ready to eat.   

Fruit salad with Strawberry sorbet 
You will need: a large bowl, knife and chopping board, food processor
The ingredients you will need are:any fruits you like for fruit salad eg: melon,
pineapple, grapes. For the sorbet you will need frozen strawberries and honey.

Step one: two make the sorbet put the strawberries in the food processor and
blend until smooth. Add a little honey for sweetness and put in the freezer until needed. 
Step two: chop the fruit and put it in the  large bowl.

Step three: scoop some fruit salad into a smaller bowl, add the sorbet and eat!  

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Boy and The Dog

The Boy and The Dog

This film is about a young boy who seems to prefer his computer
games to anything else. Nothing can seem to drag him away
from them. Until his mum gets him a puppy.

“Why don’t you open your present. I have to get the phone,”
Mum says.
“A present?” replies the boy.
He opens the present to find a puppy, jumping out at him. 
At first, he was a little excited until he realised the puppy was missing a leg. Then he threw the puppy on the ground.  But the puppy didn't give up. He spotted a ball and ran towards it. Considering he was missing a leg, he managed to only fall over a few times.  He got the ball and threw it towards the boy and that got his attention but the boy kept kicking the ball away. The puppy chased the ball into a box and the box tipped over. The puppy was running into things crazily because he couldn't see. The puppy finally got the boy's attention so the boy grabbed his crutches, went outside and  finally played with the puppy.
As he gets up, we can see the boy is also missing part of his leg.

The boy did not like the puppy after he noticed the puppy was missing a leg because he knew that his mum was trying to make a point that even though he was missing half a leg, he can’t play video games all day.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Eastern Gorilla

    Eastern Gorilla
Gorillas are vegetarians. They like to eat mostly roots, fruit bark and wild celery.
Gorillas can climb trees but prefer to stay on the ground.
Did you know that a group of gorillas is called a troop and  is led by a male silverback who is around five feet tall? The silverback usually decides when the group eats and sleeps. A baby gorilla stays with their mum until they are around five months old.

At play time, the young gorillas usually try to copy their dad at climbing trees Sometimes their father plays with them.  A gorilla’s family name is hominidae and their lifespan is usually around 35 years. An eastern gorilla weighs approximately 150 kgs and a baby gorilla weighs around 1.8 kgs. 
 Weight Of Gorilla | What Things Weigh