
Friday, May 17, 2019

My Cross Country

Cross country
On Monday I did cross country at I was excited then
I was nervous You know my friend and cheer them on.
“Year five and six 2 K race” called the producer.
Oh no that's my race. 3:2:1 go!
My heart is pounding as I take off.
In my head I think of a song and sing that song when I run.
I'm on my second lap now and coming in second.
I can see the finish line and suddenly I'm first by a mile.
I finished the race and go to the tables and tell them
I came first.
Did you know the first second and third people
in the race get to go to zones?
So that means I get to go to zones.

Home time I went to tell my mum
I can go for the third year in a row
she said that means you get to go to zones again.
that's the end of cross country.